Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Losing my mind!!!!

Babba at Jungle Jacks
Monkey and Jungle Jacks
Monkey's Dino:)
   So it's been 15 days and counting since I've seen or heard from R:( It wouldn't be so bad except Monkey has been so disobedient. She is really pushing the limit and boundaries on everything. I have grounded her form going places, using her computer games, and watching TV or movies on Netflix. It just doesn't seem to be doing much. I really can't wait till dad comes home cause he is so much better with disciplining her than me. I am a person that believes that you should never discipline your child out of anger, so lately I'm not able to because I am beyond mad. What are some things that work for y'all? I know its a phase and once we figure out what to do and what works things might change. But for now I just feel like I'm losing my mind. Aside form that things have been going great. I've been keeping busy so time has been flying by a lot more that the last two weeks R was gone. We've hang with friends and enjoyed some fun time in the sun and indoors at Jungle Jacks.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Tray of cheese and some
wine samples.

Silk corsage I made:)
Having a great Mother's Day weekend. On Friday I went to a Military Spouse Appreciation event. It was so much fun, they offer many sessions and I could pick three. So I picked Texas Hold'em Poker class, Wine and Cheese tasting class, and Making a Silk Corsage class. I really enjoyed myself, and they even gave me a voucher for childcare:) The 1st session was the poker class. It was fun but most of the spouses didn't know how to play so we spend most of the time learning rather than playing. At the end we did a last hand to see who would win a $25 gift card, and I won!!! So I guess it wasn't that bad of a class. Then I did the wine tasting class, that was so much fun. No I'm no drunk, it was just nice trying them and finding out what I like. Then I had the making a silk corsage class, I really wasn't looking forward to that one, but it turn out to be so much fun. I made my corsage with my high school colors and might even wear it to church for mother's day. After the classes, they had a drawing for door prizes and even though I didn't win the TV, I did win another $25 gift card. So all in all I had a great time.  Later that day I took the kids to the PX food court to have dinner with my gift card, and was even able to get Starbucks. Yay!! Then we dance some salsa at Freedom Crossing. They had such a fun time and so did I.

Lil Man with flat R

Monkey w/flat R
Monkey hugging flat R
They made a fort, LOL

So we are missing R a lot so what did we do, we brought flat R, out from the garage:) Kids had a blast playing with him. And it has helped Lil Man, cause he keeps calling out for dad.

@ the park
Then today, we had a battalion FRG picnic at the park. That was a lot of fun, there was a lot of good food, and I finally meet the right FRG leader. Apparently I've been talking to Alpha instead of Bravo. LOL The kids got to play and run around. What a difference this week has been from the last two. I have been so happy, and motivated. R left a loving message on my phone that helps out if I'm ever feeling blue. I thank God for what an amazing man He's given me. Tomorrow is going to be a bit tough not having R home to celebrate Mother's Day, but ill have my little babies to keep me company. Well SNL is almost over so I'm heading to bed. Good night and I pray all my mama's out there have a wonderful mother's day full of love and joy with your love ones. Blessings.

 But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices
 (Colossians 3:8-9 ESV)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Great Weekend;)

This weekend was amazing! But before I talk about that let me tell you that the two weeks before it were horrible. This field time has been a bit different; R wasn't able to take his phone, so no communication for those 2 weeks, well technically 10 days. But that was hard, not even when he was deployed did we go that long without talking. Thankfully he got out early on Friday, and we had the weekend to enjoy. Friday was family time at the house and Cheddar’s, so yummy!!!

Saturday, we got invited to a friend’s house to watch the Mayweather vs. Cotto fight :) I usually talk trash about Mayweather, but I think he actually fought the fight this time. We were going for Cotto, but were still glad it was a good fight.

 Sunday we skipped out on Church, but still had a great family time. We got a sitter for Lil Man, and took Monkey to the moves and saw, The Avengers!!! What a great movie, so many awesome parts, but I won't spoiled it for yall. But I totally recommend it. The Hulk was hilarious. Best part for me was that it was a good family film, aside from the action, there was not much language or sexual context. So worth the money we paid, and we are frugal. We usually wait till dollar movie theater, redbox, or netflix to watch movies:)

But as much I as I wasn't looking forward to it, Monday came:( And R had to head back out, this time it’s going to be for a bit longer, but I’m thankful that I communicated my thoughts and feelings to him. He is so sweet; he even left me a msg on my phone. I think that I’ve heard it 5 times and its only Wednesday. LOL
      I feel so blessed with God's amazing blessings, a wonderful husband, and two great kids. Lately I just sit and count my blessings. House, food, clothes, car, family, friends, and I could keep going. Praise the Lord for all that He does in my life. I pray that if you haven't accepted Him into your life, you take a step to get close to Him. Best decision I’ve ever made. :)

1 I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. 2 He drew me up from the pit of destruction,  out of the miry bog,  and set my feet upon a rock,  making my steps secure.
3 He put a new song in my mouth,  a song of praise to our God.  Many will see and fear,  and put their trust in the Lord.  Psalm 40:1–3   

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sick Baby:(

My awesome babies!!!
   So Lil Man has a stomach bug, and it seems like he is finally getting better:) Sometimes I feel like I have no clue of what to do with a sick baby. Monkey rarely got sick, the first thing she ever got was pink eye, and that wasn't till after she was 2. But Lil Man just gets out of one illness to jump into another. I know people say no kid is ever the same, well that is sure true for my little ones. They are so different, Monkey was a good sleeper when she was a baby, but Lil Man no way. He is finally getting settled into a sleeping schedule. Monkey was done breastfeeding by a year and two months, but he is still going strong, and shows no signs of stopping. But regardless of their differences they are both my babies and I love them just the same. Lets see, what else is going on, I'm really excited for tomorrow, TMI warning, I found a place that offers Brazilian waxes. I'm going to try it out. I hope they do a good job. Like I said TMI. LOL other than that its school, and house cleaning. I'm bummed out that I will be missing PWOC, but I'm thankful that they always take pictures, so I'll get to at least experience it that way. Also 30 more days till I'm in Dallas!!!! First my sis graduation, then my bday, then my friends wedding. And then once R goes on leave, our six years wedding anniversary, and we should be able to squeeze in San Antonio and Ft. Hood area!!! Praising my Lord for all his wonderful blessings and also praying that He makes these weeks bearable. I'm not asking that they fly by, because I want to live every day to the fullness, but its also a bummer not having R home.

Totally forgot my verse of the day....
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.
Proverbs 9;10 ESV

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Church, Cleaning, & Cute kids:)

      Don't judge my title it just states my day in 3 words:) So today was an amazing day, I actually can't believe I made it to church, I thought I wasn't going to wake up in time. But I did, and made it just in time for the 1st song. I almost didnt make it also, because I couldn't find my rings, so I had to go with out them. I felt totally naked. Church was good, but I'm really missing my man, so being there with out him was a bummer. We came home, and one kid napped while the other ate lunch. I took that opportunity to clean a bit and get things organize. I'm am so excited and thankful to God, that He's given me the motivation that I've needed to keep going. Lately I had been getting really depressed. Mostly because I've had no motivation to clean, cook, even spend time in the Word. But I made a decision that with R going to the field, I was going to get this house in order. I started with the binder, and that really got the ball rolling. I also made a duties chart for monkey, and its also motivated her to get things done. So I'm thankful to report that the house is clean, laundry is done, Praise the Lord!!! We had enough time, that we went on a picnic
I'm Shrek
Me too!!
The kids had a blast! They are making this time away from R so much better. They are so goofy and silly, that I just feel so blessed to be their mama. Monkey is such a good sis. She helps out in many ways when it comes to her baby brother.
Monkey trying to get the ball, and Lil Man wanted to help too.

     So tomorrow I start with my new routine, I hope I can keep up with the many goals I have set for myself. I've always liked Philippians 4;13. And that is exactly how I feel right now, to Him be the glory in all that I do, for He is my strength when I am weak.

     Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. (Ephesians 4:26-27 ESV)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Loving Life!!!

    Yay!!! Had a productive day :) Got the house cleaned, all except the bathrooms, but those are easy. Tomorrow I have to clean the car and the garage too. Also, today was the 1st time that Lil Man let me clean with out crying behind me. I think the idea that a couple gave us is starting to work. I have been putting him in his play pen every time he starts a fit or crys after me. Well today he started a little and as soon as he saw that I was going to put him in it, he quiet down. Praise the Lord for the wonderful advise we get from godly people!!! I'm really happy with how things have been going. Homeschooling has been great. Monkey is enjoying it! Check out what I bought her yesterday...

I might go back next week after pay day to get one for Lil Man, I know he's only one but I got a good deal on it and he will need one later on.

     So we are at the end of April, I'm so excited, it means that one more month and I'll be in Dallas:) Going home for the summer should be lots of fun. The only sad part is that hubby will be missing my bday:( But its cool, being in the army it wont be the 1st time or the last. LOL  But at least I'll be with my family. Also looking forward to my little sis graduation. She will be the last of my siblings to graduate from my high school. RHS!! Go Eagles!!!!

And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galatians 5;24

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ready, Set, Start Again:)

So here I go again:) Many times during the day, i get ideas on things that i would like to blog about, but because I'm not organized, i fail to write them down and come back to them. So I've come up with a plan, i made a Home Management Binder. If i can organize my house, maybe i can better manage my time. I'm really excited about it!!!!